Benjamin Corey

Benjamin L. Corey is a writer, speaker, and avid tattoo collector, though even he forgets that fact since he lives in Maine and is bundled up for 11 months out of the year. He grew up in conservative evangelicalism, danced with fundamentalism, and found his home in Anabaptism. He holds a M.A. in Theology and a M.A. in World Missions from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and is completing his doctorate at Fuller Seminary in the field of missiology, which combines theology and anthropology. Essentially, a missiologist studies the relationship between the message of Jesus and particular cultures.

In addition to writing for Patheos Progressive Christian, Ben is a contributor to Jim Wallis’ blog, God’s Politics on Sojourners, as well as Red Letter Christians, Evangelicals for Social Action, Mennonite World Review, and The Good Men Project. His first book, Undiluted: Rediscovering the Radical Message of Jesus, hit the stores on August 19, 2014.