Karen Hernandez

Karen Hernandez

Karen Leslie Hernandez is a Theologian with a focus in Christian-Muslim understanding, as well as religious fundamentalism and extremism. She has a Master of Sacred Theology in Philosophy, Theology and Ethics with a focus in religion and conflict transformation from Boston University School of Theology, ‘11; a Master of Theological Research in Christian-Muslim Understanding from Andover Newton Theological School, ‘07; and a BA in Peace and Justice Studies with a concentration in Islam from Wellesley College, ‘05. Karen has published with Feminism and Religion, the Women’s United Nations Report Network, State of Formation, The American Muslim, the Journal for Inter-Religious Dialogue, and is the only Christian woman to write a bi-weekly column with OnIslam out of Egypt. Karen currently lives in San Francisco where she is consulting with United Religions Initiative and is an Ambassador with the Council on the Parliament of the World Religions.