Mark Novak

Mark Novak


Mark Novak is the founding rabbi of Minyan Oneg Shabbat: A Sanctuary for the Soul -  Washington, DC’s Jewish Renewal community. He received ordination in 2012 from Reb Zalman Schacter-Shalomi and ALEPH, and serves on the ALEPH faculty as a mashpia, a Jewish spiritual guide. Mark is a rabbi (, professional musician/composer (, storyteller (, and co-founder of the MultiFaith Storytelling Institute. He is a devoted practitioner and teacher of mindfulness practice through a Jewish lens. He and his wife storyteller/juggler Renée Brachfeld have served as Artists in Residence at over 150 synagogues throughout the US and Canada, and have been featured performers and teachers at storytelling festivals in the U.S. and UK. He can be reached at