Ruben Habito

Ruben Habito

Ruben L. F. Habito teaches at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. He also serves as Guiding Teacher at the Maria Kannon Zen Center located in Dallas, Texas. Ruben is married to Maria Dorothea Reis Habito, International Program Director of the Museum of World Religions, located in Taipei, Taiwan. They are the parents of two sons, Florian and Benjamin, both of college age. His published works include Healing Breath: Zen for Buddhists and Christians in a Wounded World. (3rd edition, 2006.), Experiencing Buddhism: Ways of Wisdom and Compassion (2005), and Living Zen, Loving God (2004), and others books in English and Japanese. He has served as president of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship and of the Society for Buddhist Christian Studies.