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Foundational Documents

The Global Ethic – How it Came to Be

The Global Ethic – How it Came to Be

by Daniel Gómez-Ibáñez

The historic document, Towards a Global Ethic – An Initial Declaration, was one of the most significant outcomes of the 1993 Parliament of the World’s Religions. More than 200 scholars, religious leaders, and theologians from the world’s religions were consulted during a two-year period.

Interfaith's Foundational Document: A Brief History

Interfaith's Foundational Document: A Brief History

by Marcus Braybrooke

The Global Ethic, adopted at the 1993 Parliament of World Religions, is clear evidence that the coming together of people of faith is not an end in itself but part of the search for a more just and peaceful world.

Nostra Aetate - Text and Context

Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions Nostra Aetate Proclaimed by His Holiness Pope Paul VI October 28, 1965

Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change

Foundational Documents

Signing the Declaration of Commitment to Indigenous Peoples

The most tragic pattern in the history of world religions is the habitual violent suppression and genocide of Indigenous, Aboriginal, Earth-based religions by large, institutional religions. The best ‘first fruit’ of the interfaith movement over the past 20 years is the growing recognition of this travesty, first steps at reconciliation, and, finally, access to the spiritual wisdom woven into these traditions that the world badly needs.

Crafting Costa Rica’s Commitment to Peace with Mother Earth

Stunned silence followed when nine year-old Grace’s innocent question was repeated by her mother during a working session of a Peace Summit held in San Jose, Costa Rica, last December.

Elijah Interfaith Leaders Claim Hope as a Shared Principle

The Elijah Interfaith Institute is a multinational organization dedicated to fostering peace among the world's diverse faith communities through interfaith dialogue, education, research, and dissemination. Its unique programming generates interfaith dialogue at the highest levels, bringing together world religious leaders and renowned scholars the world over, through research projects, public conferences, and community-based initiatives. Its abiding commitment to harmony in the holy land finds many expressions, including Hope Booklet published in support of hundreds of [Eliijah Interfaith Institute leaders looking across Jerusalem.] peacebuilding activities around the world last month.