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Golden Rule

Growing a Generation of Compassionate Adults

Growing a Generation of Compassionate Adults

by Vicki Garlock

Compassion has become quite the buzzword of late. The Dalai Lama talks about compassion, of course. That’s to be expected. But when TV stars, musicians, authors, scientists, and even politicians…

The Birth of an Ingenious Tool

The Birth of an Ingenious Tool

by Leslie Gabriel Mezei

On the morning of September 11, 2001, I was driving north from Toronto to Tottenham, Ontario to interview Paul McKenna about the colorful Golden Rule Poster he created, that included sacred writings from 13 faith traditions…

The Power of a Poster in a Digital World

The Power of a Poster in a Digital World

by Paul McKenna

Scarboro Missions in Toronto, Canada first published the Golden Rule poster in 2000, and by the time we had an official ‘launch,’ there was already considerable excitement.

Digital Tools and the Golden Rule

Digital Tools and the Golden Rule

by Felipe Zurita

Have you heard of the Golden Rule? Or better, do you remember what the Golden Rule is? Here’s a hint: “Treat others as you…” or “Do unto others as…” or “Do not do unto others…”

The Dark Side of the Golden Rule and Other ‘Universals’

The Dark Side of the Golden Rule and Other ‘Universals’
The following reflection is excerpted from a longer presentation Donald Frew delivered at the August 2011 annual gathering of the North American Interfaith Network in Phoenix, Arizona, dedicated to exploring the Golden Rule

Reclaiming the Sacred: Five Uniting Religious Principles

What We Share

Interfaith Culture Thriving in Arizona

Growing a Grassroots Interfaith Program

Interfaith Resources to End Bullying

According to the Sikh Coalition, one in ten young people who are repeatedly bullied drop out of school or change schools, and 85 percent of reported bullying cases go without intervention or response. Bullying has become an epidemic in the U.S. and globally, affecting communities regardless of faith. Cyber-bullying is another new phenomenon affecting youth with access to the internet and cellphones.

Olympic Gold and Going for the Golden Rule

In ancient Greece, the Olympic Games were also a religious occasion and accompanied by a 100 days truce midst any warfare. Today some faith groups have observed 100 days of prayer for peace and that the Games would foster international friendship.

Animating Interfaith Culture for 5000 Teenagers a Year

Scarboro Missions in Toronto has a long history of promoting the Golden Rule as a universal ethic. The jewel in the crown of their interfaith ministry may be a workshop called “Animating the Golden Rule with World Religions,” offered to hundreds of young people every week. The workshop opens a compelling, appreciative door into religion and spirituality in its full diversity. It introduces teen-agers to an ethic of reciprocity with joy and respect rather than judgment, with creative engagement rather than didacticism.

One Muslim’s Interfaith Resolutions

The following resolutions were framed by Sohaib Saeed as the conclusion to his paper titled, “The Golden Rule – Can We Live by It?” presented at the 10th Festival of Spirituality and Peace in Edinburgh, August 2010. The longer paper demonstrates how deeply and constructively Saeed reaches into both the Golden Rule idea and Islam to come to resolutions from which every one of us can benefit.

North American Interfaith Network Explores the Golden Rule

Seventy interfaith leaders from across Canada and the United States met in Phoenix, Arizona for NAINConnect 2011, July 24-26, the annual gathering of the North America Interfaith Network. This year’s theme: “Many People, Many Faiths, One Common Principle: The Golden Rule.”